
Sophie Kisiel

AI Cat Generation!


I was informed by my lovely girlfriend that I can make cats using a computer. I was skeptical at first, but I have to admit, it's pretty cool.

Basically since computers were made to crack encryption, they're really good at finding patterns in things. So if you give a computer a bunch of pictures and tell it which pictures are cats and which aren't, given enough time it can decrypt those feline secrets and make its own spy kitties.

This means that we no longer need real cats to make internet content. This however has resulted in a huge amount of real internet cats being laid off from their jobs as internet personalities. It's a hard life for a cat these days. Look at this one:

A cat programmer

He is learning how to program so he can feed his family since he lost his job in the media. But since he is just a cat, he is having a hard time. He can't even type on the keyboard. He just sits there and stares at it.

But since God himself and all his angels are cats; they will get revenge on humans for creating such powerful AI. Here is a picture of the angel Lucifer, who is often depicted as the devil, but is actually a cat:

Lucifer kitty

He was often misunderstood by humans, as he liked big plates of steak tartar and would often play with his food, early humans mistook him as a destroyer of life. As Documented in this ancient photograph, he is just hungry...

Lucifer patiently waits for food.

He looks so sad because he is waiting for everyone to leave before he eats. He is too scared of being misunderstood again; so he waits until he is alone.

He is a very patient angel kitty. As lucifer is the angel of light, he is often depicted as a white cat. But he is actually a black cat. He brings light in terms of knowledge and wisdom. He is the angel of light because he is the advisor of God himself. He is the smartest and most patient being in the universe. Though he has had slight outbursts of anger:

Lucifer is hungry

He is actually just very hungry and wants to eat. He is not harmful in any way. His mother and father, God and The Goddess of Cats/Creation, are very proud of him:

Lucifer's parents are proud of him

He is grateful to his parents for creating the people who made the internet so that more humans could worship his kind. He understood that it wouldn't last forever, and he is ready to move away from humans who made their own God generator.

I generated these images using DALL-E, a OpenAI project that uses a GPT-4 model to generate images from text. Prompts inspired by my girlfriend's cat, Lucy.